Thursday, July 28, 2011

Boehner's Ties to Lobbyists Enabling Corporate Tax Evasion?

Boehner's Ties to Lobbyists Enabling Corporate Tax Evasion?

I'm always careful about hearing both sides of every issue, but this article from the Dailykos (see above link) really convinced me about Representative John A. Boehner's true agenda. It definitely reinforced my suspicion of him and his party's true purpose (too feed the American Oligarchy).

Its funny how the Boehner keeps walking out on President Obama, even amidst this apparent, pending dooms-day. You'd think he'd do whatever it takes to get a deal done. In reality, he's intentionally dragging his feet in order to link President Obama to the mess he actually inherited from G.W. Bush and his 'War on Terror'. Actually, its still part of George H.W. Bush and his NAFTA agenda which was actually initiated by former President Clinton. Its in the best interest of multi-national corporations (which is who Boehner was selected to represent) for the US Dollar to continue its down-ward slide. That's why some call this issue an 'artifical crisis'. I agree with that- not to say the crisis does not exist- but to point out the fact it doesn't need to exist.

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