Monday, July 11, 2011

Stay Fresh Will.

I'm just thinking about Will Smith and his 'I am NOT a Scientologist- really!' position. Apparently he recently refused the film "Django Unchained" seemingly due to his unoffical relationship with the group.

Not that there's anything wrong with Scientology, or any other religion of peace in my humble opinion. The way I look at it, as long as you don't preach ill will against yourself or others, you're fine with me. Having said all that, I just think Will is a weird dude. Not in a bad way of course :)

As an AVID, life-long HipHopper, I've followed Will's career since the beginning. I've heard the old, old block party mix-tapes and seen all the interviews, videos and movies. Something just seemed to change with Will after Quincy (Jones) got him out to LA for the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". One one hand, anyone would change once they become a millionaire, but it seems deeper than that with Will.

Once he took the part in "Six Degrees of Separation" I really started to notice him acting a lil' funny. I'm not necessarily trying to link him to that character either. Its just when you look at his choices in movie roles, there seems to be a theme of weirdness. Its as if he's trying to make some point (religious and/or scientific) without actually coming out and admitting exactly what.

I'll close by saying Will Smith is one of, if not the, most talented men in Hollywood today. He has this raging will (pun intended) to constantly 'perfect' himself. As he admitted in the past, this is due to his being cheated on by his first love (sounds familiar!). This explains why he reads and works out relentlessly (sounds familiar!). I just hope the rumors of his reunion with DJ Jazzy Jeff are true! We need that New, Brand New Funk!

1 comment:

  1. It wasnt Quincy Jones getting ahold of Will that weirded him out. It was Jada.
