Saturday, July 9, 2011

Go Garvey Go!

I dare predict this being the only time in my life I actually support the words and actions of Steve Garvey- but when it comes to a choice between he and Dodgers 'owner' Frank McCourt- its no contest.

I just learned the Los Angeles Dodgers fired Steve Garvey due to his public bashing of ownership. The Dodgers are my team for life, for better or for worse, but I'm standing with Steve all day on this one. Mr. Garvey has been the only former Dodger to take a strong stance against current 'owner' Frank McCourt after he drove the team straight into the ground like a Kerri Walsh spike! (Shouts to San Jo!)

For those who may have forgotten, McCourt needed loans on top of loans to obtain and 'maintain' the team, even before his ugly, high-profile divorce proceeding. He's been cutting payroll across the board. I even blame him for that savage fan attack because HE was the one who decided to cut security just to save more money! Aside from that, he has not acquired even adequate players to help the teams lone star Matt Kemp. He even paid his son close to a million dollars per year to watch the parking lot! Now, Frank is holding on for dear life in a sad attempt to save face. He defiantly tries to keep the Dodgers rather than man-up and admit his failure. Hopefully, its too late and MLB, under Bud Selig, will force him to sell. (Wow! I'm actually supporting Selig and Garvey?!)

I could go on, but my point of emphasis today is to support Mr. Steve Garvey (still can't believe I'm saying this). Whether or not he succeeds in buying the team or not, he'll always be a true-blue Dodger!

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