Thursday, August 4, 2011

Timmy Time?

First of all, Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow is a great guy. He's a good Christian who does a lot for the community- especially for the young and disabled. I'd love to have him as a teammate. Simultaneously, he is far, far from being an NFL, starting quarterback. Its definitely not his time.

On one hand, most quarterbacks are not ready to start in their rookie year anyway. Often, they're not even ready to start in year two. Many quarterbacks had to sit and study for awhile before adapting to the schemes, and especially the speed, of the NFL's turbo-charged defenses. Some quarterbacks like John Elway, Troy Aikman, Brett Favre, and more recently, Phillip Rivers and Matt Schaub struggled, or were even reserves to start their careers. Who's to think Tebow should be thrusted into a starting NFL position simply on the strength of his college performance?

When you look at his career with the Florida Gators, he rarely, if ever, threw more than 15 or 20 times a game. Far from a Sam Bradford. The Gators always had a balanced attack with a solid running game and stand-outs at every position to help Tim win games. Of course, that's not to say he may not eventually develop into a solid, if not good or even great NFL quarterback. I just cannot say he's anywhere near that right now. Especially when compared to the Denver Bronco's current starting QB Kyle Orton.

Orton has been more than servicable since his time with the Chicago Bears. I can easily put him in the top 15 in the NFL at this point. Many teams would be vastly improved with him at the helm (the Dolphins, 49ers, and Jets for example- yes the JETS!). Denver is surely included in that group.

Its difficult to articulate Tebow's short-comings with the written word but it basically has to do with accuracy. Unfortunately, Tim lacks in this department- which happens to be the most critical requirement of an NFL QB. His arm motion is amazingly wide, and drags through the throwing zone. Sure, Vince Young and Phillip Rivers also had unique motions, but they made up for it with quickness and they were much more compact.

In Tim's favor are his toughness and durability which easily translate into leadership. I just don't think that's enough to take Orton's job. On the otherhand, it may be pleanty to serve as a back-up QB or even a fullback or tight-end.

Again, Tebow is a fantastic teammate and is great for the community, but its simply not his time to become a starting NFL QB. Without some major changes, I'm not sure his time will ever come.

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