Thursday, July 28, 2011

Boehner's Ties to Lobbyists Enabling Corporate Tax Evasion?

Boehner's Ties to Lobbyists Enabling Corporate Tax Evasion?

I'm always careful about hearing both sides of every issue, but this article from the Dailykos (see above link) really convinced me about Representative John A. Boehner's true agenda. It definitely reinforced my suspicion of him and his party's true purpose (too feed the American Oligarchy).

Its funny how the Boehner keeps walking out on President Obama, even amidst this apparent, pending dooms-day. You'd think he'd do whatever it takes to get a deal done. In reality, he's intentionally dragging his feet in order to link President Obama to the mess he actually inherited from G.W. Bush and his 'War on Terror'. Actually, its still part of George H.W. Bush and his NAFTA agenda which was actually initiated by former President Clinton. Its in the best interest of multi-national corporations (which is who Boehner was selected to represent) for the US Dollar to continue its down-ward slide. That's why some call this issue an 'artifical crisis'. I agree with that- not to say the crisis does not exist- but to point out the fact it doesn't need to exist.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bank fees may rise after Federal Reserve decision - WZVN News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

Bank fees may rise after Federal Reserve decision - WZVN News for Fort Myers, Cape Coral & Naples, Florida

This decision by the Federal Reserve could actually help small businesses. I actually agree with it. This supposed increase in bank fees is not the Feds fault- if it even happens at all. It would purely be the bank's decision to recoup even MORE profit.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A New Cool

Its amazing to think back when intelligence was actually a sought-after trait in HipHop and society as a whole.

I was reading up on fellow HipHop head Wise Intelligent and his outstanding new book 'The Manufacturing of a Dumbed Down Rapper'.
I started thinking deeper about the subject. He's 100% accurate by the way!

I'm now old enough to remember when Public Enemy was literally the #1 HipHop group in America circa 1990/91. MTV AND BET actually played and promoted their videos. When compared to current scene of 2011, that time, which us HipHop heads refer to as the 'Golden Era', now seems like eons ago.

Of course, I have nothing against new music. There is an increasing number of quality emcees out there, who are intelligent, creative and cool (our culture's apparent obsession). These artist include, but are not limited to, Jay Electronica, Mikah 9 and Project Blowed

, Megabusive, Planet Asia, Blu, Tech N9ne, and the Shapeshifters.

I love all these cats- some of them have been out trying to break through for nearly 20 years! What I do oppose is ignorance and the current 'dumbing down' of society- both in terms of art and 'real' life that is blocking their shine. These emcees are highly talented and should be getting a lot more exposure in mainstream music fourms.

With enough of us 30-somethings reaching positions of influence, there's a chance the art can initiate its own renaissance. For one, I heard Common (Sense) is working again with producer No I.D.. Mike Rappaport's new 'Tribe' documentary is priming the waters for a long-long-long over-due Native Tongues collaboration. DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince are working together again. Even Digable Planets is active maintaining their own version of coolness of the tour circut.

I'm really looking forward to the second half of 2011 now because things seem to be looking up. Like Kris Parker said, "Things come around 'cause they really never left."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Stay Fresh Will.

I'm just thinking about Will Smith and his 'I am NOT a Scientologist- really!' position. Apparently he recently refused the film "Django Unchained" seemingly due to his unoffical relationship with the group.

Not that there's anything wrong with Scientology, or any other religion of peace in my humble opinion. The way I look at it, as long as you don't preach ill will against yourself or others, you're fine with me. Having said all that, I just think Will is a weird dude. Not in a bad way of course :)

As an AVID, life-long HipHopper, I've followed Will's career since the beginning. I've heard the old, old block party mix-tapes and seen all the interviews, videos and movies. Something just seemed to change with Will after Quincy (Jones) got him out to LA for the "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". One one hand, anyone would change once they become a millionaire, but it seems deeper than that with Will.

Once he took the part in "Six Degrees of Separation" I really started to notice him acting a lil' funny. I'm not necessarily trying to link him to that character either. Its just when you look at his choices in movie roles, there seems to be a theme of weirdness. Its as if he's trying to make some point (religious and/or scientific) without actually coming out and admitting exactly what.

I'll close by saying Will Smith is one of, if not the, most talented men in Hollywood today. He has this raging will (pun intended) to constantly 'perfect' himself. As he admitted in the past, this is due to his being cheated on by his first love (sounds familiar!). This explains why he reads and works out relentlessly (sounds familiar!). I just hope the rumors of his reunion with DJ Jazzy Jeff are true! We need that New, Brand New Funk!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Go Garvey Go!

I dare predict this being the only time in my life I actually support the words and actions of Steve Garvey- but when it comes to a choice between he and Dodgers 'owner' Frank McCourt- its no contest.

I just learned the Los Angeles Dodgers fired Steve Garvey due to his public bashing of ownership. The Dodgers are my team for life, for better or for worse, but I'm standing with Steve all day on this one. Mr. Garvey has been the only former Dodger to take a strong stance against current 'owner' Frank McCourt after he drove the team straight into the ground like a Kerri Walsh spike! (Shouts to San Jo!)

For those who may have forgotten, McCourt needed loans on top of loans to obtain and 'maintain' the team, even before his ugly, high-profile divorce proceeding. He's been cutting payroll across the board. I even blame him for that savage fan attack because HE was the one who decided to cut security just to save more money! Aside from that, he has not acquired even adequate players to help the teams lone star Matt Kemp. He even paid his son close to a million dollars per year to watch the parking lot! Now, Frank is holding on for dear life in a sad attempt to save face. He defiantly tries to keep the Dodgers rather than man-up and admit his failure. Hopefully, its too late and MLB, under Bud Selig, will force him to sell. (Wow! I'm actually supporting Selig and Garvey?!)

I could go on, but my point of emphasis today is to support Mr. Steve Garvey (still can't believe I'm saying this). Whether or not he succeeds in buying the team or not, he'll always be a true-blue Dodger!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Big Business, Little Tax

Many big business paid little or even NO taxes since 2008. They include Boeing, Dupont, Exxon Mobil, FedEx, General Electric, IBM, Verizon Communications, Yahoo, American Electric Power, Honeywell International, and United Technologie...s. Some of them even received tax refunds!!!! Where is the profit going? Where is this supposed "Trickle-Down" econmics? In fact, Yahoo just 'trickled' its call center on 'down' to the Dakotas. Cisco, EA and Bristol-Myers Squibb have 'trickled' themselves over to Ireland. Even my beloved bank saddled-up and moved most of its operations out of San Francisco. To make matters worse, there has been a steady, rushing 'trickle' of international workers ushered in to take the few jobs available that actually pay a living wage. (God-forbid you adjust for inflation) Is it because many of these workers aren't receiveing medical benefits and the business can save millions?

Looking back, I see why George H.W. Bush allowed Clinton to slide in and push NAFTA. We're still feeling that backlash. Now, the U.S. dollar is being driven into the ground. Coincidence? I doubt it. Manifest Destiny is over, so the Rockefellers, Stanfords, and Vanderbilts of our day have no more West to win. Where else can they go? Apparently, its re-investing back in Europe in an effort to stimulate its deteriorating population. While America is being left to fend for itself. We still sell the dream, but in reality we fight over one, crumby slice of pie. Fortuantely I'm part Irish :)